How to improve your entry: Innovation
I’m in Acton to film Rebecca Bright, the founder of Therapy Box who won a 2014 Queen’s Award for Enterprise in the Innovation category.
I’m in Acton to film Rebecca Bright, the founder of Therapy Box who won a 2014 Queen’s Award for Enterprise in the Innovation category.
Sean took time out of the office last week to meet one of our colleagues from UKTI, John Rimmer who very kindly offered to share a little advice on completing a Queen’s Awards entry form in the International Trade category.
Design is a huge part of modern life, we all judge in which decade a film or television show was made or set by the design of the cars, clothes or hairstyles. So where does design fit into a Queen’s Award for Enterprise?
With just under 8 weeks left to complete an entry form, we thought you might appreciate a little help, particularly with the ‘Commercial Performance’ section of the form.
...Palace gates, guests were told to make their way over the gravel courtyard to access the inner sanctum. From there we entered the palatial interior and our incredible journey began....
Nick Cairns from UKTI had invited the Queen’s Awards Office to give a presentation to a selection of high performing businesses in Cambridge with a view to getting them to enter the competition during this, our 50th year.
My name is Thomas Murphy. I'm a Year 10 student on a 2 week work experience assignment in the Queen’s Awards for Enterprise office.
I’m walking fast up the road from Sheffield station to the BIS offices in St. Paul’s Place. Can I get there before 10 o’clock?
This week I met with the team from The Queen’s Awards for Voluntary Service who wanted to find out more about what we do. We often receive calls from people...
Tom Brake Lib Dem MP for Carshalton and Wallington emailed us to say he’d recently attended a Queen’s Awards event in his constituency; we asked if he’d like to be our guest blogger this week.