Let’s have a think about ‘Sustainable Development’ for a moment. Are you eligible to apply for a product or a service or a management approach? Or even a mix of the above.
First things first, google (or chose a variant as other search engines are available) the Pillars of Sustainable Development. These will come back as:
- social
- environmental
- economic
It is vital that we respect the limits of our planet’s resources and environment. This means we need to learn to plan more for recycling products and investigating more research into methods not yet discovered for our future.
We must also work on reducing the use of fossil fuels and even water!
Tell your company’s story in an original way! What challenges have you had to face? What are you doing locally to boost the locale? Are you painting up a swimming pool, a canteen or similar?
Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Further information
Some benefits of winning an Award
QAE, and the Award Emblem, is a trust mark that provides immediate business and profile benefits, winners are permitted to fly this flag for 5 years.
- Companies report that winning these awards helps them to gain introductions to new customers ahead of global competitors
- 76% of previous winners have reported that the Queen’s Award had brought added commercial value to their business
- The award also provides a boost to staff morale
Any UK-based business unit (including Isle of Man and Channel Islands): -
- with 2 or more full-time (or equivalent) UK employees
- with a minimum of 2 or 3 years’ trading figures (depending on category)
- from all sectors and of all sizes
Sustainable Development
Winners in this category demonstrate commercially successful products, services and approaches to management which have major benefits for the environment, society and the wider economy, either by outstanding advance over at least 2 years or continuous achievement over 5 years.
Sustainable Development achievements are assessed for:
- invention
- design
- production
- performance
- marketing
- distribution
- after-sales support of goods or services
- management of resources or people and relationships with other organisations
Winners receive a range of benefits: worldwide recognition; national and regional media attention; and the right to use the Queen’s Award Emblem on their products, stationery and advertising for five years. The prize is an invitation to a reception at Buckingham Palace, an engraved crystal bowl and Grant of Appointment and a celebratory presentation at the main business premises by a Lord Lieutenant (as HM The Queen’s representative).
Entry to the 2017 Queen's Awards will close on 2 September 2016.
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