On the same day as the Queen’s Awards for Enterprise reception at Buckingham Palace (more about that later) we had a presentation ceremony in the BIS offices in 1 Victoria Street.

Secretary of State, Sajid Javid welcomed the guests and spoke about some of his personal experiences of enterprise and how his current role was enabling him to make life easier for entrepreneurs. He then presented a Grant of Appointment to 5 of the 6 winners of The Queen’s Award for Enterprise Promotion 2015. These people were:
- Mr Christopher Pichon: Chairman Wenta (Lifetime achievement award)
- Mrs Lopa Patel MBE: Chief Executive Officer, Redhotcurry.com
- Mr Nelson Gray: Business Angel, Scotland
- Mr Richard Holt: Creative Innovation Centre. Somerset
- Professor Andrew Penaluna: University of Wales Trinity Saint David, International Institute for Creative Entrepreneurial Development
- Mrs Margaret Gibson: Chief Executive, Women’s Enterprise Scotland, was unable to attend but will have a separate presentation in Scotland shortly.
The Secretary of State requested a photo with all of the winners and then chatted to them individually before having to leave for a prior meeting.
We were enjoying the views of Westminster Abbey and tucking into scones and clotted cream. Linda Stephens, on her final day as Secretary of The Queen’s Awards for Enterprise and Will Morlidge, Assistant Director of Enterprise Directorate introduced several members of the assessment group and judging panels. These included Katherine Courtney, Chair of EPAC, Director Enterprise Directorate, Julie Devonshire, Director of Ventures, UnLtd, Dawn Whiteley, Chief Executive, National Enterprise Network, Martyn Leat and Carol Williams from Beta Technology Ltd.
As this was going on I was interviewing all 5 Enterprise Promotion recipients in the room next door. The results will be edited and placed on our YouTube channel shortly.
It is amazing what you learn when you ask questions to such bright people.
On behalf of the team, Kerry, Alastair and Michael, I would like to thank Linda for all her hard work and leadership during her time as our Secretary, and to wish her great luck with the next chapter!
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