We are all feeling slightly dazed in the Queen’s Awards for Enterprise, but we seem to have survived another year!
Recently we experienced ‘slightly more telephone calls than usual’ with many of you saying that you couldn’t get onto the website or that you were ‘getting the whirring wheel’ icon. We managed to contact everyone who let us know they were having problems and helped them get their entries in.
What happens next?
Our independent assessors will look at each business category and make a list of the companies that are a cut above the rest and recommend these are the companies that we shortlist. The same process happens for the individual awards for the people nominated by their peers for the Enterprise Promotion award.
Towards the end of November you will all receive an email informing you of your progress in the awards. If you are lucky enough to be short listed this is where you have to provide us with official confirmation from your auditor about your finance figures.
If you do not make this list we will let you know and promise to send you detailed and expert feedback in April 2016.
We will keep you up to date in future blogs.
Our work continues throughout the rest of the year. As well as the current short list being reviewed by individual judging panels we will be arranging all sorts of promotions to publicise next year’s competition!
Thanks very much to all of you who entered this year’s competition.
Good luck!
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